Category Archive: prog
Time machine exclude list for developers
Backuping the following folders can eat up hundreds of gigabytes on the backup storage, and can cause significant performance reduction if the backup drive is a HDD (some of them can contains millions of files).
- /Applications/Xcode
- /Applications/Xcode-beta
- ~/.gradle
- ~/.npm
- ~/.composer
- ~/.cocoapods
- ~/.android/avd
- ~/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps
- ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Application Cache
- ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
- ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport
- {path to a node project}/node_modules
By removing these folders from the backups and excluding them in the System Preferences, the backup process can be faster and will consume less storage space.
Patched UEFI-BIOS for HP G62-A30SH
The Mac OS Mavericks runs great on this laptop, but to get the wlan work, the original wifi card must be replaced.
The UEFI firmware prevent to start with other card than the original, which thing already made a lot of headaches to hp users.
I patched the firmware, and with an also patched flasher, I been able to overwrite the ROM with the modified version.
You can download the modificated files from here =>
Samsung GT-S7562 – Cyanogenmod 4.4.4 RC3
I released the third version of my CyanogenMod KitKat for GT-S7562.
- Improved Bluetooth support
- Most kernel debug flags disabled
- Added some missing libraries
- Merged all CyanogenMod source changes
- Bugfixes
You can find the download links on the
My sources available on my GitHub profile.
Samsung GT-S7562 – Cyanogenmod 4.4.4 RC2
I released the second version of my CyanogenMod KitKat for GT-S7562 with initial Bluetooth support.
- 1. Backported Bluetooth driver and Management Interface from Linux Kernel v.3.13
- 2. Newest Bluez 5.28 Bluetooth stack
- 3. Few bugfixes to wireless driver
- 4. All RC1 updates included
You can find the download links on .
Samsung GT-S7562 – Cyanogenmod KitKat 4.4.4
I’m proudly present my first Android releated work. :)
In december 2014, I got a GT-S7562 and I was not satisfied with its original Samsung firmware, because it was slow and has a lot of bloatware.
So I decided to make a working release of Cyanogenmod 11.
The GT-S7560M has a similar hardware except the dual-SIM RIL, so the kylessopen firmware (thanks to jonypx09) was a good initial source.
I reverse engineered the stock Java Radio Interface Layer, and based on that informations, I restructured the kylessopen’s sources.
Finally with my custom telephony-common, telephony-msim java layer, and with the stock rild, and libril*.so binaries, the GSM connection works.